1.Spain makes a strong showing at El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2023
Last week, during November 15, 16 and 17, the winners of El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2023 were announced. We congratulate our associate production companies for participating in the following award-winning projects!!!:
«Speedy Rock» – Rock FM – VCCP
Plata en El Ojo Producción de Audio y Sonido
«She» – J&B
Premio Gran Ojo
Oro en Comunicación y reputación corporativa
Bronce en Actualidad y contexto
Oro en El Ojo Film
Oro en El Ojo Producción Audiovisual
Plata en El Ojo Producción de Audio y Sonido
El Ojo Mejor Idea Local
«24/7 en Acción» – Mapfre
Gran Premio en Contenido
Plata en El Ojo Producción de Audio y Sonido
Plata en El Ojo Eficacia y Transformación Creativa de Negocio
(junto a BIRTH)
«Mother» – Plataforma Heroes de Hoy – DDB España
Plata y bronce en El Ojo Producción Audiovisual: PLATA y BRONCE
“Fecha de extinción” – ALDI
Bronce en El Ojo Eficacia y Transformación Creativa de Negocio
«Mermaid» – Canesten – LOLA MullenLowe
Bronce en El Ojo Salud & Pharma
«La riqueza no es solo dinero» – Abante Asesores – El Ruso de Rocky
Oro en El Ojo Producción Audiovisual
Somos 5
“Samsung Unfear” – Samsung – Cheil
Gran Ojo Innovación
Gran Ojo Digital & Social
El Ojo Mejor Idea Local
Oro en El Ojo Radio & Audio
Oro en El Ojo Salud & Pharma
2. We leave our mark in El Chupete
We finally know the winners of El Chupete 2023 and several of our production companies are among the winning projects!!!
The International Festival of Children’s Communication El Chupete had its awards ceremony yesterday November 23 in Madrid, where APCP was present. At the Real Teatro Retiro up to 19 awards and the special awards of this XIX edition of the festival were presented.
First of all, the special awards were presented. At this moment we knew that in the category of Best Integrated Campaign the winner was #HuelgaDeJuguetes by MRM Spain for the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, in which Lee Films has participated as producer. Therefore, we would also like to congratulate the Ministry of Consumer Affairs for Best Advertiser. On the other hand, the award for Best Agency went to TBWA Spain. Primo shot with them for the Ronald McDonald Foundation.
Congratulations Only 925 for producing Trátame bien the casting of Siberia for Turrones Picó, who won the award in the category of Activation and Brand Experience.
Congratulations to Primo for producing TBWA Spain’s Capitan Oslon for the Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundation, who won the award in the Branded Content category.
Congratulations again to LEE Films for producing #HuelgaDeJuguetes by MRM Spain for the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, who won the award in the Social Campaign, Digital and Public Relations categories.
Congratulations to Bambina for having produced Vuelven por los Niños by Fundación Aladina for Fundación Aladina, who won the award in the Film category.
Finally, we would like to highlight the special mention given to the project ¿Quiere ahorrar a full? by Carrefour in the category of Music and Sound for having produced the campaign with students from CEU University, who collected the award. Somos 5 produced this spot, congratulations!