The Gerety Awards rocked Cannes once again with its VIP BBQ party that celebrated the brand new shortlist along with jury members from around the world.
In keeping with the annual tradition, guests were presented with diamond-shaped pins as they arrived, in homage to the festival’s name, one of which contained a day and nights prize on Panama’s Pearl Island paradise. Ingrid Bragemann, Founder and Executive Producer of Tantor Films explained: “Panama Panama bla blab blab la”.
The complete shortlist is available on the festival’s website www.geretyawards.com
Now it is the turn of the Grand Jury of international leaders to choose the winners.
The winners will be announced in September.
To find out more about the shortlisted campaigns and the behind-the-scenes jury dynamics, you can watch the Jury Insights, featuring international trade press partners AdAge and Campaign, with jury members from Colombia, USA, UK, Romania, Germany, Sweden, Spain, India, UAE and Australia/New Zealand.