The Gerety Awards 2023 jury chooses 4 Grand Prix, 27 Gold, 69 Silver, 65 Bronze, with 159 pieces remaining on the shortlist.
All winners on www.geretyawards.com
The campaigns that take home Grand Prix represent creativity at its best for major global issues such as climate change, refugees, immigration and diversity but also humour, a feature both loved and missed by the industry today.
La campaña Dogs Without Borders para KDOG Cancer Detection Group de VMLY&R Health Madrid se queda con varios Silver en Pharma, Work for Good y Experience Cuts. Lola Mullenlowe es recompensada por su campaña Real Virtual Beauty de Dove con un Silver en Innovation Cut y Silver también para Cry for the Law para Teta&Teta en Work for Good Cut. El palmarés español lo completan El Ruso de Rocky, Mamma Team, McCann, MRM Spain, DAVID Madrid y LLYC con la campaña “Sign Soup” para Grupo La Moderna en Work for Good Cut.Los Grand Prix fueron para The Monkeys, Edelman, McCann y DDB:
Grand Prix en Alternative media, Innovation Cut:
The First Digital Nation para The Government of Tuvalu, de The Monkeys, parte de Accenture Song
Grand Prix en Integrated Campaign, Experience Cut:
See My Skin, Vaseline Healing Jelly para Unilever de Edelman
Gran Premio de Estrategia, Work For Good Cut:
Where To Settle para Mastercard de McCann Warsaw
Grand Prix en Integrated Campaign, Humour Corte:
Apologize the Rainbow para Skittles de DDB Chicago
The most awarded piece was THE GLITCH for Alzheimer Forschung Initiative by BBDO Germany, with 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze.
The second most awarded campaign is Apologize the Rainbow for Skittles by DDB Chicago with 1 Grand Prix, 2 Gold and 1 Silver.
Shout for Movistar by VMLY&R Mexico is third with 1 Gold, 4 Silvers and 1 Bronze.
McDonald’s is the most rewarded advertiser at the Gerety Awards 2023. Joan Colletta Senior Director, Global Brand Marketing McDonald’s commented: “The Gerety Awards recognition is especially meaningful for our brand as McDonald’s focuses on building more relevant connections with our diverse community of fans around the world. Congratulations to all of the brands recognised this year, we are very proud to be in your company”.
This year’s winners come from 34 different countries, with the United States, France, Germany, Spain, Canada and the United Kingdom receiving the most awards.
The Gerety Awards is the only creative festival that rewards the campaigns that resonate most with a female audience. With judging sessions held around the world, each year Gerety brings together some of the world’s top female creative leaders to look at the work from a powerful perspective.
All 2023 winners at www.geretyawards.com