With awards season in full swing, we take a look back at the awards won by APCP member production companies in recent days.
- ADC Annual:
With Travel Oregon – Extraordinary is Ordinary, produced by Canada, the production company won the Merit Honor Award in the category Craft in Video – Animation – Series.
- The One Show:
August, with the J&B spot “She”, won bronze in the Moving Image Craft & Production category.
Blur with Even more confusing times won two awards: a GOLD in the category Writing/Single and a SILVER in Television & VOD / Over 60 Sec.
Los proyectos de Canada Expedia – Nothing, Sand, Bubbles, Lemons, Plates (Moving Image Craft & Production: Cinematography / Series) y Travel Oregon – Extraordinary is Ordinary (Category: Moving Image Craft & Production: Animation / Series), han sido premiados con un bronce y una plata, respectivamente.
Lee Films has won a bronze for the #ToyStrike campaign in Creative Effectiveness.
Landia won a bronze in the Social Media category for the campaign for IKEA Trapped in the 90s.
- D&AD: Global Association for Creative Advertising & Design:
Canada has been awarded a Wood pencil for the project Rosalia – Motomami TikTok Live Performance in the category Music Videos: Album.