From April 22nd to 24th, we had the privilege of exploring Alquería de Camarillas, enjoying its people and surrounded by peace and harmony. This trip not only allowed us to scout locations, but also provided us with a unique gastronomic experience and a deep connection with the environment, while enjoying the company of new friends.
A historical sneak peek
Alquería de Camarillas, a family estate located in the heart of the Sierra de Segura, Cazorla y las Villas Natural Park in Jaén, spans over 250 hectares. With a history that goes back more than six generations, this enclave is immersed in an environment of exceptional beauty, catalogued as a Biosphere Reserve and one of the largest Natural Parks in Europe.
This is how it was
On Monday, April 22, we started our journey from the Puerta de la Reina Mercedes in the Retiro Park, where the whole team met with Sara and Ángel, from Alquería de Camarillas, and with José Andrés, beekeeper from Bio-Los Vélez. During the three-hour journey, we were imbued with their wisdom and knowledge, and thus we connected with what this experience was going to be.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by Javier Montañez, who gave us a warm welcome to the farm, along with Juan Antonio, the person in charge of caring for and preserving this agricultural space with love and dedication. Jesús Talón, one of the owners of this family farm, welcomed us from his home in Madrid.
In addition, renowned chef Pepe Valadés guided us on a gastronomic journey that allowed us to experience the soul of the place through the unique flavors and aromas it offers.
During our stay at Alquería de Camarillas, we undertook a series of activities carefully designed to explore and understand this charming destination as a filming location.
Getting to know the Alquería de Camarillas Family House and discussions about certification of origin / biodynamics.
Exploring the landscapes
Conversations with Dr. Jesús Talón. “Artisans of Nature: Passion, Joy and Health”: we connect with Madrid
Meals by Pepe Valadés
Visit to the village of Segura de la Sierra
From APCP, we are very grateful to Jesús, Javier, Ángel, Sara, José and Juan Antonio for having prepared this scouting with so much love and dedication. See you soon!
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