Fifty and… A round table of professional and real women

By June 14, 2021 News No Comments

Montse Ogalla, Producer and Production Manager. Av2Media Films/SchoolTraining. Member of the Mujeres en V.O. collective; she was the presenter of “How does the age of women influence the profession? Fifty and…?”

The panel discussion consisted of Victoria Reig, Creative Director of L’Oreal McCann; Marisa Rodríguez, Director of Audiovisual Production; and Cristina Plazas, Actress. Leo Solanes, Director and Executive Creative Producer of Solanes Films, was in charge of moderating the interventions, which were full of anecdotes and experiences that made us reflect on the role played by women as they grow older in the audiovisual sector.

This round table was organised at a film festival, because cinema inspires advertising. At the same time, the women at the round table wanted to serve as an inspiration for cinema, to give guidance on how to build real characters; and for advertising creatives to take them as ideas. A world where adults over 50 years old have sex and women over 50 may not know how to cook everything.

“They want to make me older than I feel and look older than I am when I play characters my age. Sometimes simply with the way I dress. It’s about creating characters of our ages that make the register of possibilities grow, to show the reality of women over fifty”. – Cristina Plazas, actress.

It was a very fun and interesting experience, Leo Solanes managed a very entertaining colloquium and she got beautiful anecdotes from the experience of the participants, and advice to the new generations that made the audience participate with very good disposition and made the round table very short.

We must fight against ageism, quoting Laura Rosillo, expert and Human Resources Consultant, there are three topics that slow down the recruitment of senior talent in these post-pandemic times; the “supposed” digital gap or digital illiteracy that they believe that the over 50s have, the second is to think that they are “stagnant” and finally the topic that the over 50 is an expensive candidate.

It has been proven that senior talent has a greater ability to face new challenges, a greater capacity to adapt, to think critically and to solve problems with serenity and temperance.

Love for the profession was key throughout the talk, which does not diminish but continues to grow with age; regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. Each of the participants made it clear that the most important thing is to serve as an inspiration for future generations.
