AI is a booming topic today, which is why The Magic of the Impossible – What do we know about AI? was the next round table discussion. In this case, Joakim (Jab) Borgstrom, co-founder of Twise.AI, José Carlos Sánchez, head of transformation at Prodigioso Volcán, Félix Muñoz (independent marketing and communication consultant) and Ramón Artemán, director of Metropolitana, discussed the subject. Adrián Egea, director of The Finesse Films moderated the round table discussion.
“We have changed our tools every day. Change is constant and accelerating. It is a challenge to know how to get the most out of these aids”. This is how the round table began, with Ramón Arteman giving his opinion.
On this subject, Adrián Egea posed the question “To what extent can these technologies replace the “human touch” that we have? In response, the speakers emphasised how important it is to be able to talk to a machine, assuring that we are at the best creative moment in history. Everything from new concepts to the possibility of personalisation can be generated.
Related to treatments and adaptation to new ways of working, the differentiation between two very different targets has also been discussed: those who use new technologies and those who continue to watch traditional channels such as television. All of the above is completely linked to communication and language, as new codes will have to be used as AI advances.