a. Eficacia Awards winners revealed!
The twenty-fifth edition of the Eficacia Awards took place yesterday in Madrid. The event was presented by Jesús Vázquez, who proudly recalled that he has been presenting the event for ten years.
The Eficacia Awards have been constantly evolving and growing. In the beginning, they had an audience of 500 people and today they fill the seats of the Teatro Real. Lidia Sanz, general director of the Spanish Association of Advertisers, explained how the event went from being held at the Palacio de Congresos to the show we know nowadays.
The awards witnessed the success of CUPRA, which won this edition’s incredible Effectiveness Grand Prix and Gold in the “Brand Building” category. These two awards reward the effectiveness of its advertising strategy and the long-lasting impact of the brand. The agency &Rosás has been the one who has made possible the successful advertising campaign that has led to the success of CUPRA. Cupra has added a new achievement after being recognized as Best Advertiser of the Year at the 6th APCP Awards.
All the winners of this edition:
Grand Prize for Eficacia 2023: CUPRA with &Rosás
Creative Agency of the Year: PS21 with Sergio García and Víctor Blanco.
Media Agency of the Year: Arena Media
Best Brand Launch Campaign:
Gold: VIPS.
Silver: Burger King
Bronze: Iberia, Grefusa and KFC.
Best International Campaign:
Winner: Kraft Heinz
Silver: MagnumSpain and Dove
Bronze: Canary Islands
Best Branded Content Action:
Gold: Zinkia Entertainment
Silver: Canary Islands
Bronze: Durex and ING
Best Integrated Campaign:
The jury did not conceive any golds.
Silver: ING and Diageo (Village Pride)
Bronze: Play Station
Brand Building:
Silver: Bankinter.
Bronze: OUIGO
Special Recognition: Correos for turning a public service into a brand.
Special Recognition for Research: DAZN and Dentsu Creative.
Best NGO Campaign: Ronald McDonald Foundation
Best Demonstration of Social Brand Purpose:
Gold: Diageo for J&B’s “We’re in the mood to celebrate” campaign.
Silver: Wallapop.
Best Existing Product or Service Campaign:
Gold: Carrefour
Silver: MAPFRE.
Bronze: CervezaVictoria.
Best Tactical Action:
Gold: PlayStation and KFC
Silver: Amex.
Bronze: Aldi.
Most Original and Disruptive Strategy:
Gold: Grefusa and KFC
Silver: La Marató de TV3
Bronze: Doritos
Best Regional/Local Campaign:
Gold: ConfecomercCV Local Commerce.
Best Low Budget Campaign:
Gold: ConfecomercCV.
Silver: KFC
Bronze: ApeX
Community and Audience Building Award:
Gold: Tik Tok
Silver: Durex and Mc Donalds.
Congratulations to all and especially to our producers who were part of the winning projects!
b. AICP continues its tour
The AICP awards continue and you can join their tour in Dallas, Mexico City and Chicago.
November 2 in Dallas
November 2 in Mexico City
November 9 in Chicago
c. Less than a month to go for El Chupete!
The XIX edition of the Festival El Chupete will be held on November 23rd of this year. El Chupete is an institution that seeks to promote children and youth communication, in order to grow the communication and creativity of children in this sector.
In this edition the jury will be chaired by Monica Moro (founder This is Libre) and will be accompanied by:
Amaya Coronado – Co-Founder y Director Madrid Content School
Ana Castro – Founder Sound Conections
Ángela Pacheco – Creative Director El Ruso de Rocky
Antonio Pacheco
Beatriz Faustino – Director Marketing Carrefour
Bitan Franco – Founder & CCO Mono Madrid
Daniel Campo – Director El Publicista
Fede Russi – CCO Publicis Group México
Jesús Revuelta – Independent Consultant
Juan García Escudero – CCO TBWA
Macarena de la Figuera – Director of Sponsorship and Events Teatro Real
Maite Francés – Director of Marketing and Communication Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Toys
María García – Creative Director Lola Mullenlowe
Marta Lluciá – Co-Founder & CCO Martians
Miguel Ángel Antón – Director HUB Madrid Parques Reunidos
Mireia Romero – Cola Cao
Mirian Galán Marqués – Global Teacher Award 2022
Óscar Martínez – CCO Publicis
Rafael Gandía – Director Marketing Grefusa
Tania Riera – Director Executive Creative Ernest
d. Good news from El Ojo: Primo and Antistatic on the jury!
We are excited and proud to announce that Irene Nuñez, managing director of Primo and Matías Dumont, CEO & founder of Antiéstatico, are part of the jury of the EL OJO AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION category of this year’s awards.
Their participation brings with it a commitment to excellence and the dissemination of a quality audiovisual industry. From APCP, we are convinced that their presence will contribute to the recognition of exceptional awards such as El Ojo de Iberoamérica, in this “field”.
- Irene Núñez
- Matías Dumont
The El Ojo de Iberoamérica International Festival, which will take place on November 14, 15 and 16 at the La Rural Convention Center in Palermo, Buenos Aires (Argentina), has already presented all the juries for this 2023 edition. Registrations have already closed and there is nothing left to know this year’s winners. The event has all these categories:
Film, Graphic, Radio & Audio, Public Road, Digital & Social, Media, Direct, Brand Experience & Activation, PR, Design, Sustainable, Sports, Content, El Tercer Ojo, Innovation, Creative Data, Creative Commerce, Business Effectiveness & Creative Transformation, Health & Pharma, Best Latin Idea for the World, Audiovisual Production, Audio & Sound Production, Graphic Production, +Women, El Ojo Local and Performance for Ibero-America.
Here all the Audiovisual Production, Audio & Sound and Health & Pharma Juries.
e. Unfear produced by Somos 5 passes the first round of Immortal Awards judging
The Immortal Awards are awards organized by Little Black Book. They recognize and celebrate creativity within the field of advertising.
The short list was reduced to a total of seven projects that became finalists. Among them was the Unfear spot for Samsung, produced by Somos 5, which made it through to the first round of judging.
In the last European evaluation sessions, “The Immortal Awards had a Spanish jury for the first time. […] The Spanish-based juries were tasked with selecting the market’s inaugural finalists, cementing their status as Spain’s best projects of the past year and sending them on to the European regional round of judging on Friday, October 20.”
(Information from LBB)
Samsung Spain – Unfear