By August 28, 2024 News No Comments


The APCP brings you the upcoming events that should not be missing in your diaries


31 August | El Ojo de Iberoamérica: deadline discount on project entries 

Until 31 August you can register with access to discounts for the number of entries to register the best ideas, works and cases to participate in all the Awards of the International Festival El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2024 at regional, global and local level.

El Ojo de Iberoamérica is preparing to celebrate 27 years of Latin American creativity on 13, 14 and 15 November at La Rural in the Palermo neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. A new edition of El Ojo, the most important global event for Latin creativity, where inspiration, motivation and encounters are combined with awards and recognition for the best professionals, companies and ideas in the region and with a series of conferences and workshops with the participation of leading figures from the communications and entertainment industry at regional and global level.

In mid-October, the presidents and juries of the festival, which celebrates the best of creativity emerging from Latin talent, will begin to visualize, select and choose online the best ideas participating in each of the Festival’s awards. Then, the presidents of each of the awards, meeting in Buenos Aires, will choose the Great Eyes of Ibero-America for each of the awards with a comprehensive view and thanks to the contribution of each of the presidents.

This year, El Ojo will present the following awards: Film, Graphic, Radio & Audio, Public Road, Digital & Social, Media, Direct, Brand Experience & Activation, PR, Design, Sustainable, Sports, Content, El Tercer Ojo, Innovation, Creative Data, Creative Commerce, Effectiveness, Creative Business Transformation, Health & Pharma, Best Latin Idea for the World, Audiovisual Production, Audio & Sound Production, Graphic Production, El Ojo +Women (Creative and Filmmakers) and the El Ojo Local Best Country Idea Award.

To find out how to enter projects and all the prizes, categories and Festival rules, visit elojodeiberoamerica.com.


15 September | | Ventana Madrid: deadline for project applications

Ventana CineMad became Ventana Madrid and will hold its 10th edition from 11 to 13 November 2024 in the city of Madrid. It updates its name to reflect its firm commitment to all film and audiovisual formats, including feature films and series. Designed to finance audiovisual works by production companies based in the Madrid region or those presenting a project with a special link to Madrid, Ventana Madrid aims to foster international collaboration, attract investment and strengthen the audiovisual industry by creating opportunities for selected projects. Highly viable projects in the advanced development stage of feature films and TV series in fiction, documentary or animation are open for registration until 15 September.

Ventana Madrid, organized by AMA Audiovisual, with the collaboration of the Community of Madrid and Madrid City Council and the support of PIAF, Film.io and ARwall, is a forum for national and international development and financing that seeks to improve the financing mechanisms of Madrid’s audiovisual sector and the promotion of the local and regional industry by boosting filming and quality audiovisual production.

Project registration

The registration period for Ventana Madrid 2024 projects is currently open until 15 September. Registration is free of charge, via the registration form on the Ventana Madrid website. The call is aimed at audiovisual production companies based in the Community of Madrid, as well as production companies from other regions with projects in development, whose action, filming or post-production takes place in the capital city of Madrid or in the Community of Madrid.

Highly viable audiovisual projects that are at an advanced stage of development can be submitted for each of the following categories: Fiction, non-fiction and animation feature films; and Fiction, non-fiction and animation TV series. 16 projects will be selected by a committee of experts who will evaluate the set of requirements detailed in the terms and conditions of the call for proposals.


During Ventana Madrid, the selected projects will be presented in pitch sessions to professionals from the audiovisual industry and an extensive agenda of meetings and networking events will be organized with potential international co-producers, international sales agencies, distributors, public funds and different national and international advisors.

The forum will also include training, mentoring, masterclasses and business connections. In order to facilitate exclusive and productive meetings between project representatives and investors to enable the future financing of the selected projects, there will be a private space with exclusive access to participants.


8 to 10 October | Ciclope Festival: our APCP members are jurors

We celebrate the participation of our partners in the next edition of the Ciclope Festival! Among the 43 members of the Executive Jury, Belén Gayan from Agosto will be a member, and among the 139 members of the Grand Jury, Anna Gil from Hawai Films, Daniel Monedero from Grayskull, and Flor R. Veidez from Central Films will participate.  There is no doubt that being part of an exclusive jury at a festival like this is a recognition of the work of each of the professionals who make up the jury.

About the APCP member jury

Belén Gayán [Agosto]. Born and raised in Barcelona, she is a founding partner and executive producer of Agosto. She studied Audiovisual Communication and obtained a Master’s degree in Mass Communication at the Chicago Art Institute. Starting from the ground up, Belén gained extensive experience in all aspects of production, beginning as a production assistant, then as an assistant director and as an agency producer at *S,C,P,F.After discovering her passion for directing, she decided to return to the United States and graduated in Film at New York University. In 2000 she began her career as a director at Piramide, where she directed commercials for brands such as Audi, Renault, Coca Cola, Ikea and Vodafone, among many others. In 2006 she founded her own production company, Agosto, together with director Nacho Gayán and producer Rafa Montilla, who was succeeded by Toni Moreno in 2014. During her 20-year career as a director, she has directed commercials for major brands and agencies both nationally and internationally, and her work has won awards at major festivals such as Cannes, San Sebastian, Fiap, Clio Awards, among others. Her constant curiosity led her, in 2020, to move away from the camera to focus on executive production alongside Toni Moreno. Her career as a director and her experience in the advertising world allow her to approach projects with creativity, rigor and excellence in production. Agosto is one of the most awarded production companies in the Spanish market and has become a highly respected partner for agencies, thanks to the detailed and carefully crafted approach they bring to each project.

Ana Gil [Hawai Films]. Born in Madrid in a cinematographic environment. Her grandfather was a film director, so she remembers going to the studio with her father after school and enjoying all the magic that surrounded him. She also remembers devouring classic films at home. Her father had an impressive collection of video tapes. That led Ana to study communications at university and, after getting her degree, she started working in film right away. She spent a decade working on amazing projects with people from all over the world and directors such as Milos Forman or Paul Greengrass, among others. During those days she traveled a lot and realized that her professional life was not destined to end in fiction. Ana had a friend in the advertising industry and started working as a freelancer for a few years. Then she discovered her true passion, which is producing commercials: fresh, creative, dynamic, and working in production felt much more aligned with her personality. So, after gaining experience with major national and service production companies, he decided to take a step forward and set up his own project. Eventually, he founded Hawaii Films and since then and together with the best partner of all, Ivan Smith, they have been producing and servicing these last eight years with beautiful and exciting projects together, with his favorite brands (especially Adidas), agencies and production companies. A couple of years ago Hawaii started to be awarded in different festivals, such as Ojo Iberoamericano, Sol, Fiap, and they received a nomination for best film at Cannes Lions.

Daniel Monedero [Grayskull]He began his professional career in 1998 at the Tiempo BBDO advertising agency, as a producer. Subsequently, he gained valuable experience in various agencies, such as Grey Trace Barcelona and Publicis Casadevall Pedreño, where he directed productions for TVC and collaborated in the creative department. From 2003 to 2014 he held the position of executive producer at RCR Films, where he was in charge of managing the production department and supervising national and international advertising projects. In 2015 he decided to take on a new challenge with the aim of further developing his creative skills by founding his own production company in Barcelona: Grayskull, in collaboration with Jesús Álamo and working with directors such as Los Pérez and Augusto de Fraga.

Flor R. Veidez [Central Films]Her first contact with the audiovisual sector came through her aunt, who instilled in her a passion for advertising and the world of cinema, teaching her how the gears of this great machine move and how to make them work. After studying film, audiovisual production and creative media, she decided to seek a new perspective away from home to enjoy the foggy climate of London and later, the freezing cold of Chicago, improving her English so that language would not be a barrier that could get in the way of her goals. She returned full of strength and confidence, before embarking on a two-year freelance adventure that gave her a thorough understanding of the industry. At the age of 24 she started at Harry, where she had the opportunity to learn from great production professionals, proving her worth for important agencies and prestigious brands, participating in important projects such as Time Make Us Better for Toyota, Impossible To Say Goodbye by Yolanda Centeno, winner of the Zaragoza Film Festival 2021, or Europa II by Imanol Ruiz De Lara, awarded as best fashion film in La Jolla. Currently, she works hand in hand with Raúl García as Executive Producer at Central Films Spain, absorbing his knowledge of more than 26 years on film sets, promoting and sharing projects both nationally and internationally. She also works with Rodrigo García Sáiz, Cannes award-winning director, participating in his first feature film Lluvia and with whom she is currently immersed in the production of her second feature film. Her passion for fiction has also had a place in her life, making films such as Tarde and Sin Miedo, which have won awards at renowned festivals such as El Sol, Cannes, Clio and D&AD. Her passion for this work has made her surpass every goal she has set for herself, proposing and empowering everything in her hands.


9 to 10 October | Golden Drum: new festival edition

Over the decades, the Golden Drum has been built on groundbreaking ideas competing for prestigious awards, offering further evidence that the specific cultural and economic-political environment of individuals and teams (in the regional sense) is significantly reflected in their extraordinary creative contributions, which are not only recognised but highly respected around the world. From Golden Drum, they celebrate the best ideas, the best creative teams and the best individuals who left their mark on the industry, those who manage to put soul into a great idea.

It is true that many things have changed in these 30 years, but the names of the people who created, built and nurtured the Golden Drum are still engraved in golden letters. Thanks to all of you who have breathed and continue to breathe with the festival, a festival that is rooted in the salty soil of the Slovenian coast.

Golden Drum is known as the most enjoyable and appreciated festival that has successfully overcome many challenges. As its honorary president, Mr. Jure Apih, said: ‘We should wish for publicity that changes the world for the better’. That, precisely, is one of the main goals they intend to pursue in the coming years. 
