The APCP brings you the upcoming events that should not be missing in your diaries
26 August | Marketers Latam Awards: Call for candidates + voting
Adlatina and Scopen are calling for the ninth edition of the Marketers Latam Awards, which reward those professionals working in the marketing and advertising departments of Latin American-based advertising companies who have made an outstanding contribution to the improvement, innovation and evolution of the companies, driving their transformation and growth.
The nomination period is open until Monday 26 August. Voting is open to advertising and marketing professionals, agencies, media, advertising film production companies and research institutes working in Latin America. Each professional can vote for up to three candidates in each of the five categories, indicating the reason or outstanding success that makes them worthy of the distinction. Votes will record the name, position and company in which the voting professional works. The three most voted professionals will be selected from all the votes and will become finalists in each of the categories. Each shortlist will be submitted to a new voting phase and the five winners will be chosen.
How to vote
To enter the nomination area, please click on the following link. All votes will be treated confidentially.
30 August | London International Awards: deadline for entries
LIA is the award created for creatives. The London International Awards (LIA) is a Festival of Creativity Awards created in 1986 by Barbara Levy, its president. Barbara was the first woman to found and run an international awards show honoring multiple types of media. 100% woman-owned and woman-managed; 39 years later, LIA still holds the unique distinction of being the only international award to be owned by a woman and to have a full-time staff of only women. LIA stands as an advocate for the creative process, for creatives themselves and, of course, for great creative ideas. In that sense, the industry landscape is changing, but its commitment to rewarding excellence remains unchanged. It is the integrity and keen discernment and insight of the LIA judges that set the standard for creativity year after year. The jury members are the best professionals in the industry, who have earned the respect and admiration of their peers through their own work.
Key dates
Entry deadline: 30 August 2024 with no late fees. Requirements: submitted work must be premiered, published and/or initially broadcast in a commercial environment with client approval between 1 July 2023 and 31 August 2024. On-site judging in Las Vegas: 29 September to 7 October 2024. Announcement of the Awards of the Year: 7 November 2024.
13 September : Shots Awards EMEA 2024: deadline for entries
The Shot Awards EMEA is a celebration of the industry’s most innovative and inspiring campaigns. The awards celebrate the most inspiring creative work from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, as well as showcasing some of the industry’s most successful companies and individuals.
The awards are open to work created in the EMEA region between the eligibility period stated above. Shots define the country of origin of the work by the geographic location of the lead agency involved or, if there is no agency, the lead creative company. The work may be submitted by any company involved in its creation. No work may be submitted without the permission of the client and/or the owner of the rights to the work. All work must have been created for a paying client, except pro bono work for charities and non-profit organizations. Shots Awards reserves the right to disqualify entries that offend national, religious, cultural or racial sentiments.
The quality of the entries for the Shots Awards is always very high and selecting the final shortlist is extremely difficult. That’s why we have an international jury of renowned names in the industry, who carefully scrutinize each entry to find the best entries and make crucial decisions on who and what will win the coveted Shots Awards trophy.
22nd to 24th November | Publificción: the first film and advertising festival
At Publificción they believe that brands can find a niche in the new audiovisual ecosystem: that it is possible to promote a product or service through quality content and with a message that connects with people. That branded content is the future of advertising. Publificción is a meeting and inspiration space for brands and professionals from the audiovisual world. A festival of advertising that people want to see.
Publificción is a space for creative collaboration between brands and film professionals. In the days leading up to the awards ceremony, they will organize several workshops and talks on audiovisual content, advertising and new forms of communication. Check out their agenda and join any event for free. You can find the full programme in the following link