The APCP brings you the upcoming events that should not be missing in your diaries:
New: Beach Rewind Cannes Lions 2024 with LLB
We continue our emotional hangover from our participation in LBB Beach at Cannes Lions. And the folks at LBB invite you to relive the conversation with the great Sir John Hegarty and friends about the business of creativity, on the panel sponsored by MCA, consultants who understand production and are committed to APCP partners.
As part of the Beach Rewind video series, a record is now available of Sir John Hegarty, creative and client leaders from Jung von Matt, Reckitt and Bayer talking about storytelling – and how to sell it – at MCA’s Business of Creativity panel, recorded during Cannes Lions 2024.
Inspired by the storytelling module of Sir John Hegarty’s ‘The Business of Creativity’ course, the adlandia veteran and a group of marketing experts gathered on the LBB & Friends beach at Cannes Lions 2024 to discuss what storytelling means to them, how clients can become ‘customers of choice’, the rise of independent creators, the best way to sell a great idea and much more.
The full conversation between Doerte Spengler-Ahrens, president of Jung von Matt and chair of ADC; Upasana Roy, director of global creative strategy at Reckitt; Philipp Schuster, director of agency management and marketing partnerships at Bayer; and advertising pioneer Sir John Hegarty, moderated by MCA founder and CEO Pat Murphy, is available on LBB Online.
The panel featured one of the most talked-about themes of Cannes 2024: artificial intelligence. Describing creativity as “the bridge between imagination and intelligence”, Sir John Hegarty warned the industry to beware of its limitations, a sentiment shared by Doerte, who said: “It supports us, it’s the wind beneath our wings and nothing else. On the other hand, Upasana claimed to be part of the “hype” school of thought on AI, calling it a “competitive advantage”, which led to a fruitful discussion on how the business of creativity is affected in an AI world. Without a doubt, a talk not to be missed.
31/7-17/9: ICT Grants for Research and Innovation Projects: Open Call for Proposals
The call is open until 17 September 2024 for the award of grants, on a competitive basis, for investments in information and communication technologies to carry out experimentation and innovation projects in the field of culture in the city of Barcelona in 2024.
The purpose of the call for applications is to regulate and establish the criteria and procedure for the application, award, collection and justification of grants awarded by the Barcelona Institute of Culture to finance investments in information and communication technologies (ICT) to carry out experimental and innovative projects in the field of culture in the city of Barcelona in 2024.
This call for investment in ICT infrastructure aims to support experimental and innovative projects that explore new languages and methodologies for cultural proposals and digital creativity.
Eligible applicants are natural persons or legally constituted legal entities in the fields of culture, creativity and innovation that have their registered office or carry out their activity in the city of Barcelona and whose activities are related to the thematic areas indicated in the call for applications.
For legal entities, in accordance with Article 14 of Law 39/2015 of 1 October on Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations, it is compulsory to complete and submit the application through the Virtual Procedures Office of the Barcelona City Council’s electronic headquarters, following the instructions indicated on this procedures portal.
Applications may be submitted by individuals, in accordance with article 14.1 of Law 39/2015 of 1 October, in person at the registry of the Citizen’s Advice Bureaux (OAC), telematically through the Virtual Office of procedures of the electronic headquarters of Barcelona City Council.
1/10-4/10: Iberseries & Platinum Industry: Get your accreditation at a discount
Professional accreditation at Iberseries & Platinum Industry will allow you to enjoy the exclusive programme of PRO Activities, as well as access to all the event’s events. In addition, this professional accreditation, whether in person or online, will give access to the virtual private space, an area that will allow access to the professional directory of participants to establish contact with accredited participants and arrange meetings on a voluntary basis, as well as to view the main conferences and content on demand, from 24 hours after the event until 25 October.
Iberseries & Platinum Industry is the main meeting point for platforms, television channels, creatives, producers, distributors, buyers, financiers and other agents in the sector, as well as organisations dedicated to tourism, education and new technologies linked to the audiovisual sector.
Its aim is to give visibility to feature films and series in Spanish and Portuguese, to promote the connection of business and talent, to encourage international co-production and the commercialisation of content in order to consolidate projects and new financing opportunities.
With only three editions, Iberseries & Platino Industria has managed to bring together numerous professionals and experts in an unprecedented event that combines the experience and long history of leading companies in the film and audiovisual industry that work globally for content in Spanish and Portuguese.
In its fourth edition, Iberseries & Platino Industria will offer an extensive programme of activities aimed at professionals, with Conferences and Keynotes, Iberscreenings, MAI (Ibero-American Audiovisual Market) & Networking, Co-Production and Financing Forum, Pitching Platforms and Production Companies, Training Workshops, Film and Education Exhibitions and access to the Virtual Space, a private online area for all accredited participants.
It is organised by EGEDA (Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales) and Fundación Secuoya, with the support of FIPCA (Federación Iberoamericana de Productores Cinematográficos y Audiovisuales), Comunidad de Madrid and Ayuntamiento de Madrid.
25/10-30/10: South International Series Festival: Accreditations available
The South International Series Festival registration period for industry professionals is now open. Applications for accreditations can be made through the form available on its website.
South Series is a unique festival that brings together professionals from the audiovisual sector and the public in the unique setting of the city of Cádiz.
After the success of the first edition, with more than 3,700 accredited industry professionals and more than 20,000 spectators, South Series has become one of the most important series festivals in southern Europe.
Cadiz will once again become the capital of the audiovisual industry by hosting the second edition of the South Series International Festival from 25 to 31 October. During these seven days, the festival will provide meetings between industry professionals, innovative and dynamic activities with top quality content and the presence of national and international speakers to promote personal and professional relationships in a fun and informal environment. In addition, the capital of Cádiz will host the premiere of the big titles of the series season in 2025. And it will do so hand in hand with their protagonists in an event that promotes business for the industry and brings the general public closer to their idols.
Innovative programming for industry and public: Premieres of productions, reference players, season previews, specialised sessions for the industry, one-to-one meetings between agents, producers, distributors and platforms, a university campus and many other attractive contents will be on offer at the second edition of South International Series Festival.
South Series is a private initiative, co-financed by the Feder Andalucía 2021-2027 Programme and the Junta de Andalucía, with the City Council of Cádiz and the Diputación de Cádiz as official entities. It also has the participation of Mediaset España as media sponsor, Movistar Plus+ as sponsor, the Port Authority of the Bay of Cadiz and Spain Film Commission, and the collaboration of Canal Sur Radio and Television.