
By June 28, 2024 News No Comments

A. 20-29 June Cinema Jove: Only one day to go!

The 39th edition of Cinema Jove is almost over! The Valencia International Film Festival – Cinema Jove is a festival that takes place annually in Valencia in June. It is accredited by the FIAPF in the category of “Specialized Competitive Festivals”.

The festival is a meeting forum for young international filmmakers, and its vocation is to showcase the best international cinema directed by young people.

Cinema Jove is organized by the Conselleria de Cultura i Deporte, through the Institut Valencià de Cultura. Cinema Jove has five official or competition sections, all of which have their respective juries:

  • Feature Films
  • Short films
  • Series
  • Youth Audiovisual Encounter
  • Òrbites

Cinema Jove also screens a series of non-competitive sections whose theme, always around youth, usually changes with the editions, although several of them are maintained over the years: Luna de Valencia Award, High School, El Joven, La Joven… or Los Dioses del Anime.

Check the program now if you don’t want to miss the latest!

B. 3 september Gerety Awards: Executive Jury Insights From Spain

C. 17 October Inspirational IAB: get the discount to submit your candidacy!

The Inspirational Awards will recognize those campaigns, projects and companies that the Jury considers most inspiring for the communication and advertising sector in digital environments. Campaigns that inspire disruptive digital thinking will be awarded. It will be considered disruptive and inspiring, that campaign, project or commercial brand whose thinking, strategy, idea, use of the medium, format, experience or digital purpose, have managed to be a multiplier of value and be a reference for agencies, advertisers and industry in general, these aspects being valued common to all categories:

  • That they have marked a new path or broken schemes in an outstanding way in the digital industry.
  • They have defined new trends for the interactive sector.
  • That they have given an outstanding boost to digital media communication. The geographical scope of the nominations for the Inspirational Awards will be Spanish, as its objective is to reward and promote the best initiatives in our country. In the event that there is an international campaign, led by a Spanish agency, it may be entered in the category of international campaigns without the need for the dissemination and communication to have been in the national territory.

The campaigns entered for the awards must be projects between September 2023 and September 2024, except in the territory & brand building category (see information in the definition of the categories).

The same campaign may obtain a maximum of 3 awards in the different categories.Additionally, it will be eligible for the grand prizes that will be awarded through the scoring system specified in APPENDIX I and APPENDIX II.

Registration shall be made through the registration form available on the platform. For the registration, it will be necessary:

  • Sheet: Category, title of the campaign, registering agency, collaborating agencies and advertiser. Contact person, mobile and e-mail. The data of the form will be completed directly from the platform, it is not necessary to upload it as a document.
  • Form: Maximum 15,000 characters (spaces included). PDF format.
    – Context and objectives of the campaign.
    – Description of the campaign.
    – Digital value: Why / How digital thinking has contributed to multiply the value of the campaign?
    – Change generated: What change was achieved as a result of this campaign (Changes in users, technical, company, users, society…)?
    – Inspiration for the industry: What could our industry learn from a campaign like this?

Additionally and on a voluntary basis, the following materials may be illustrated and accompanied by the following materials after uploading the form and the form.

  • Board or summary image.
  • Video case (Max. 2 minutes).
  • Original pieces: Video, audio, image, etc.
  • URL.

The name of the agency submitting the materials should not appear in the form or in the uploaded materials, it will only appear in the file.

In the event that the campaign wins a gold medal, a 1-minute video will be requested to be screened at the Inspirational’24 awards gala.

The choice of the category to enter each campaign is the sole responsibility of the agency that enters the cases and the organization will not be able to recommend or change the category once the piece has been entered.There will be 19 categories to be awarded, which will receive Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards, if the jury deems it appropriate.The organization will award all the metals (GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZE), at the Awards Gala on October 17, 2024, held at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid in face-to-face format and streaming through the YouTube channel of IAB Spain.

Among all the categories, the “Inspirational Grand Prize” will also be awarded, if the jury so deems, to any of the actions awarded in any of the above categories, except in the categories of young digital talent, advertiser of the year and agency of the year.

The dates and voting process are as follows:

  • Deadline for campaign registration: From April 24 to September 16, 2024 at 23.59h.
  • Shortlist publication: Thursday, October 3, 2024.
  • Publication of the winners (Gold, Silver and Bronze): October 17, 2024, at the Inspirational’24 awards gala.
  • The registration fee is 190€ (VAT not included) per piece and category until July 19, 2024 and 230€ (VAT not included) from July 19 until the end of the registration period. In the case of IAB Spain members, there is a 20% discount on registrations that will be applied automatically after registering on the platform as members and being validated by the organization. 

The Inspirational’24 Young Talents category is free of charge.The prizes for the categories: Agency of the Year, Advertiser of the Year and Inspirational Grand Prix will be awarded directly by the jury, without the possibility of registration in these categories.

D. 5 November LIA Awards: Don’t forget to submit your projects!

London International Awards (LIA) is a creative awards festival, established in 1986 by Barbara Levy, president. Barbara was the first woman to found and operate an international awards show honoring multiple media types. Thirty-nine years later, the LIA continues to hold the unique distinction of being the only international award to be owned by a woman and to have a full-time staff comprised exclusively of women.

The London International Awards (LIA) are champions of the creative process, the creatives themselves and, of course, great creative ideas.LIA is one of five global programs included in the WARC Creative 100 ranking.

Important dates for entries for this 2024:

  • Second registration deadline: July 12 with no late fees. No late fees.
  • Final entry deadline: August 31, 2024. *Elegibility: submitted work must be initially published, posted and/or broadcast in a commercial environment with client approval from July 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024.
  • Face-to-face judging: September 29 – October 7, 2024
  • Winners and finalists announced: October 3-9 of the year. Awards announced: November 5, 2024.

Check out this year’s entry system now!
