A. June 17 – 21 ¡¡CANNES LIONS with Rims Mobility!!!
The RIMS Team has made available a limited number of Vans from Barcelona and Madrid for Cannes Lions from June 17-22, so you can go with your team and have them branded with the name of your production company!!!
Oh, and if you are an APCP member, you have a SUPER special discount, lower than a day of shooting!
¡¡¡¡Hurry up and book now as there is only a discount for 15 Vans!!!!
Contact: nahir@rimsmobility.com
B. May 13 – 17 In 3,2,1… The One Club for Creativity starts now!
In three days one of the most awaited events in the calendar of our sector begins: The One Club for Creativity. That’s Creative Week 2024, which kicks off on Monday, May 13 and ends on Friday, May 17.
New York is the city to be in next week, either in person or virtually!
Here’s a look back at the week’s shows and awards galas:
The One Show 2024 announced the host for this year’s evening, Joel Kim Booster! Comedian, writer and actor who starred in Fire Island, earning him two Emmy nominations.
This is where the world’s biggest agencies share the spotlight with small design studios and talented freelancers, all in the name of superbly crafted work.
Almost sold out! Students traveling from around the world to accept their honors for the four Young Ones competitions are truly the future rock stars of our industry.
For the first time, TDC70, the 70th annual Type Directors Club competition, is on display during Creative Week. It’s a showcase of the year’s best in typography and lettering, as well as the exciting reveal of Best of Discipline winners and Judges’ Choice selections.
This is CREATIVE WEEK 2024. Remember, it will also be available for virtual viewing.
Link to purchase all types of tickets: here
C. June 17 – 21 APCP at Cannes Lions: who is coming with us?
This year we will be part of the LBB family during Cannes Lions and we want to introduce you to the companies that have made this possible:
c de c, EPC, Fight Films, Grayskull, Kinolux, Ladoble, Landia, Primo, Rims Mobility, Scopen and TwentyFour Seven.
It will be five full days of networking, training and connecting.
D. June 18 Gerety Awards returns to Cannes Lions with its traditional VIP BBQ
The Gerety Awards returns to Cannes on Tuesday, June 18, with its traditional VIP BBQ to celebrate the global shortlist and the winners of Agency and Production Company of the Year by country.
The Gerety VIP BBQ party is by invitation only and is already a highlight of the summer schedule. Past and present jury members, friends and participants of the Gerety Awards are invited to apply for an invitation by responding to the RSVP HERE.
The shortlist for this edition of the festival will be announced in the first weeks of June, followed by panel discussions with members of the executive jury Gerety Jury Insights, to learn about their favorite campaigns and trends seen in the participating campaigns. The BBQ will bring together the international Gerety community for a time of enjoyment and celebration.
The Spain panel will be moderated by Sivia Ocaña López, Editorial Manager of Mujeres a Seguir and includes:
Ángela Pacheco, Creative Director El Ruso de Rocky
Virginia Mosquera, Creative Director McCann Spain
Veronica Guzman, EU Senior Creative for Coca-Cola StudioX | WPP
Helena Marzo, Creative Director
In this link you can find the days and times to follow the Gerety Jury Insights panels and find out the opinions and favorite campaigns of the executive jury of the Gerety 2024 venues.
“Mastercard once again joins the Gerety Awards for the celebration of its traditional VIP BBQ. This event serves as a platform to honor the winners of the Agency and Producer of the Year by Country categories in addition to celebrating the global shortlist while cultivating relationships and networking opportunities. As a member of the jury, I believe that creating meaningful connections will be a central theme in this year’s campaigns, as consumers tend to prioritize important moments, driving companies and brands to create memorable experiences. I can’t wait to review the campaigns and reconnect with my fellow jury members,” commented Ioana Gorgãneanu, Vice President, Head of Marketing & Communications Southeast Europe, Mastercard.
Ingrid Bragemann, Founder & Executive Producer of Tantor Films added “It is an absolute pleasure for us to once again celebrate the Gerety Awards at a memorable BBQ. It’s a way to nurture the tradition of coming together to honor originality, creativity and superb execution of advertising campaigns, as well as a way to meet and cultivate new and long-standing relationships. We admire the initiative and are delighted to support it, as it brings together everything we are passionate about in the industry.”
Gerety Awards 2024 counts VML, Adobo, The Industry Club, Mastercard and Tantor Films as partners.
The FINAL deadline to submit entries for the Gerety Awards 2024 is May 10th.
All the information to participate on the website www.geretyawards.com
E. November 13 – 15 El Ojo: early registration with a 20% discount until May 20
El Ojo de Iberoamérica announces the extension of the Early Registration System (Pre-registration) for those companies that want to reserve their place to participate with pieces and campaigns for the recognition of the best ideas in the region and locally, will have time to do so and take advantage of a 20% discount until May 20.
El Ojo, as every year, offers a unique possibility for companies, through the Early Bird Registration System, to organize and optimize their budgets and ensure the presence of their most outstanding works and the best professionals in the event that recognizes the best Latin creativity in the world.
The advantage of the Advance Registration System is that it allows companies to guarantee the participation of a certain number of their ideas/cases in the festival, paying for them in advance and then, when the online registration stage opens, select the pieces that will be part of the contest. In other words, they can register today, receive important discounts and then decide -starting June 3- which pieces they will present.
In addition, the Festival will maintain the possibility of registering with the BOOK format, which offers even more benefits. A BOOK is a packet of pieces at a preferential price according to the number of pieces entered, which will allow them to participate in the awards for Ibero-America and automatically in the El Ojo +Mujeres Award and also in the Best Country Idea Award of El Ojo Local, paying an additional cost corresponding to the processing expenses for that award.
If you wish to register more pieces and/or campaigns, you may do so now or add them when the online registrations open.
In order to confirm the participation of works through the Advance Registration System, each participating company/individual must register on the registration site.
At the moment of the online registration, the system will assign the registration code (4-digit number) that will be requested by the organization for any consultation you may need to make. If you registered for your company last year, you can recover the password and use the same registration.
Once you have registered, you must select the number and type of entries you want, complete the billing information and payment method.
Then, from June 3, when the online registration begins and until July 31, you must define the pieces, select the categories and upload the required material for each award.
Awards for Ibero-America: This year the festival presents the following awards: Film, Graphic, Radio & Audio, Public Road, Digital & Social, Media, Direct, Brand Experience & Activation, PR, Design, Sustainable, Sports, Content, El Tercer Ojo, Innovation, Creative Data, Creative Commerce, Effectiveness, Creative Business Transformation, Health & Pharma, Best Latin Idea for the World, Audiovisual Production, Young Filmmakers (two categories included in El Ojo Audiovisual Production), Audio & Sound Production and Graphic Production.
El Ojo +Women Special Award: In order to amplify, give more visibility and promote the growth of the presence of women in the creation of communication ideas, in creative teams, in the direction of commercials and leadership positions in agencies and production companies, El Ojo de Iberoamérica created this award in 2019 with two categories: +Women Creatives and +Women Directors.
This award also aims to reward and stimulate diversity and representativeness in creative teams and in the production of audiovisual content that contribute to a broader view of reality.
Participation is free and at no cost for films that have been entered in any of the different awards of the 2024 edition of the Festival and that have women in the relevant positions indicated for this recognition (they must appear in the corresponding positions in the technical files uploaded on the registration site).
This award will add points for El Ojo al Desempeño by Iberoamerica and Local: Best Agency, Independent Agency, Creative Director, Production Company, Filmmaker and Communication Network of Iberoamerica.
El Ojo Local Best Country Idea Award: Recognizing the different realities, economies and moments of development of the industry in each of the countries of the region, and in order to stimulate those who do the best work at the local level, the Festival will present the El Ojo Local Award, which consists of two categories: LOCAL PERFORMANCE and BEST LOCAL IDEA.
The following countries/regions may participate in the El Ojo Local Award: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Central America and Caribbean (Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic and Venezuela), Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico and Uruguay.
IMPORTANT: Registration for this award must be made at the registration site and will have a processing fee. That is to say, companies that want their pieces to participate in the Best Country/Region Idea Award must register them on time for this award, in addition to participating in one or more of the 24 awards available in this edition, and pay the corresponding processing fee. In this way, all the ideas participating in the Festival will also have the possibility of competing to be the Best Country/Region Idea 2024.
For this award, the country selected in the data sheet in the field “Main country of broadcast, publication, implementation” indicated at the time of online registration will be taken into account.
Registration through the Early Bird System will be open for agencies, creative consultancies, production companies, media agencies, advertisers and professionals in the region to register their best ideas with special discounts of up to 20% OFF until May 20, as well as Latin professionals working in other regions of the world can also participate in the prize assigned for this. Mark your calendars!
Last day to confirm your Early Bird Registration: MAY 20.
Online registration opening: JUNE 3rd
Last day to complete the online registration of all the material: JULY 31st
Inquiries: info@elojodeiberoamerica.com