- Still registering for the APCP masterclass?
The long awaited date is getting closer, the first APCP masterclass on Sustainable Filming will take place on 26 January.
We are very grateful for the support you have given to this project.
The classroom places are already full but don’t worry because you will be able to follow it online and for free, you just have to sign up.
We remind you that this first session will analyse the contents of how to bring environmental sustainability closer to advertising productions and how production companies can take measures for prevention, reduction and monitoring within a theoretical and practical framework referred to the Sustainability Plan, taking into account the existing diversity between large and small productions, and how we can take action with more or less economic resources and specialised personnel. The training will deal with different topics, but above all we will give importance to the real processes that can help us to understand and reduce the most significant environmental impacts in all our projects.
- Jury of the National Creativity Awards 2022
41 professionals will judge the pieces submitted to the National Creativity Awards 2022, which close their registration period on 7 February. The jury will work from Monday, 7 March, in a process of four weeks.
This year the juries will work divided according to the different sections of the competition. There are five sections: STRATEGY (created last year in collaboration with the APG), IDEAS, CONTENT (created last year in collaboration with the BCMA), INNOVATION and CRAFT, covering all aspects of the development of a project, from its initial approach to final execution.
The CRAFT section will have two juries. One of fifteen people, including a spokesperson, will judge the following categories: animation and motion design, casting and direction of actors, direction and direction, art direction, direction of photography, production direction, graphic design, special effects, photography, illustration, editing, writing, sound and music.
The APCP will be represented by Eva de Lera, executive producer and founding partner at Lobo Kane; Iván Fernández, executive producer at Lee Films; Nacho Gayán, director at Agosto;
Here is the full jury for this edition.
The jury will announce its decision during the final event of the c de c 2022, co-organised by Facebook, on 21 May in San Sebastian, and the selected pieces will be included in the XXIII Spanish Creativity Yearbook, to be published in autumn 2022.