What has been the economic impact of our sector in Spain? Presentation of the ?Economic Report on Advertising Film Production.

By November 11, 2022 News No Comments

In May, the research for the fourth edition of the Study on the Economic Impact of Advertising Production in Spain began and the results will be released on 17 November.

As in previous editions, the study has been carried out by the consultancy SCOPEN and this year we also have the collaboration of the UCAM (Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia) and the UCLM (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha).

The presentation of the report will take place next Thursday 17th at 10:00h in the ICEX Madrid Auditorium.

An updated and real analysis of the economic impact of advertising film production in our country has been carried out. After some difficult years, it will be very interesting to evaluate the results.
