Creast has provided us the report about the environmental impact of the XI Advertising Film Production Conference, from which different conclusions have been drawn. Thanks to companies like Creast, which are concerned about reducing the impact and emissions, we managed to leave the planet as it was before the event. The company has estimated a total of 7.1 tons of CO2 emitted, which will be offset by planting 7 trees thanks to the organization Saving The Amazon. Thus, the event has been Carbon Neutral. Below, we highlight some of the conclusions of the report.
The majority of emissions are due to the category of accommodations. Regarding the waste generated during the event, it is worth mentioning that special attention was paid to waste separation.
From APCP we have made a great effort to implement sustainability measures before, during and after the entire event. In addition to waste separation, we have shared vehicles for the transfer of the team to Valencia and we have hired staff from the same place where the event takes place. In addition, the report highlighted that 71% of the team was made up of women.
In short, the total number of tons is in line with the characteristics of the event. Even so, we know that the production of events has to be environmentally responsible, so day by day we will continue working to reduce emissions and impact.