Agosto Escalada Navideña – Navidul. Directed by Luisa Kratch Antiestático Love Story – Eroski. Directed by Uriel Calatayud Reinas – Olistic. Directed by Tata Perisco Bambina Donde vive la magia…
Primo is a production company founded in 2008 by Nico Perez Veiga and Martin Kalina, leading directors and owners of the company. The production company has done remarkable work, earning…
We are back again with the BTS of the shootings of our production companies, this week those of: Antiestático, Ava, Bambina, Blua, Central Films, Dos35, Hawaii Films, Twentyfour Seven, etc….
On November 5-6, FOCUS 2023 was held at the Business Design Centre London. Professionals from the creative display industries were able to apply for a delegate badge free of charge….
As pioneers and experts in Virtual Production and backed by its own training center (UT-HUB, authorized as a Premier center by Epic Games) Magic Fennec manages to create immersive experiences…