The APCP brings you the upcoming events that you should not miss in your diaries. 22/9: Workshop on the audiovisual landscape in Europe Alliances and Investments for the consolidation…
The APCP brings you the upcoming events that you should not miss in your diaries. 22/9: Workshop on the audiovisual landscape in Europe Alliances and Investments for the consolidation…
The music video ‘Chama’ directed by Stillz has just been released; a collaboration between Arca and Tokischa, produced by CANADA and WeOwnTheCity. In a powerful and celebrated crossover between the…
Like the shootings we are presenting this week of Antiestático, Apartamento, Bambina, Good Company, Harry, Mamma Team, and Lee Films. At the APCP we are excited to see the industry…
The c de c launches a new special edition designed by Hey Studio. The XXV Anuario de la Creatividad Española (XXV Spanish Creativity Yearbook) as originally named, is a catalogue promoted…
More professionals will be added to bring their specific views on production to the next APCP workshops. The 12th APCP Commercial Film Production is coming and we are adding the…
Discounted general admission tickets will be available until 15 October. To access the tickets, please go to the following link, the cost is 150 € + administration fees; subsequently,…
Professionalisation is a fundamental instance for the development of the audiovisual industry, therefore, from the APCP we bring you useful information for every stage in which you find yourselves. 3…
Creast. is an environmental consultancy specialising in eradicating the carbon footprint of the audiovisual industry (film, TV, advertising and events), and they have been working intensively for some time now…
The APCP brings you the upcoming events that should not be missing in your diaries 5/10 | FIAP · Iberoamerican Creativity Festival Join the awards ceremony from wherever you…
The film, directed by Claudia Barral Magaz and produced by Blur, will premiere in the Official Section of Spanish Short Films at the Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid (SEMINCI)….