The magazine Camera & Light specialises on technical cinematographic information, and is one of the companies collaborating with the APCP for the 10th Advertising Film Production Conference. It focuses on technology, detailing in every one of its editions the latest news of the industry. Do not miss out!
Veterans in the industry might remember it as Cameraman, although in 2018 this Spanish magazine that specialises in cinematography changed its name to Camera & Light, a much more inclusive and respectful towards the diversity that should be present in our industry.
Today, Camera & Lights, with 118 edited numbers for its physical and digital copies, is a role model for the hispanic-speaking media about cinematographic techniques. Its pages are considered the Bible when talking about the technical level of the filmings carried out in Spain. Through its in-depth articles and interviews, focused on photographic direction, but also on other processes of the audiovisual production and post-production, VFX, colour correcting, sustainability and, of course, cinematographic production and direction.
If you want to find out who, how and with what a quality Spanish or international production was filmed you just need to read the magazine. You can sign up for its digital or physical magazine if you wish to receive every number. Also, if you own an advertising production company and have a waiting room where your clients can read it, you can write to suscripciones@cameraandlightmag.com to receive the magazine in your office for free.
You can also find the magazine in specialised bookshops like Librería 8 y Medio, the Librería de la Filmoteca (Librería del Doré) or the Librería de la Filmo (Barcelona). And, of course, at festivals and industry fairs, like the San Sebastián festival, the Shooting Locations Marketplace, the MicroSalón of the AEC or the APCP Conference, with which they are media partners.
In Camera & Light they are well aware that advertising films have the best teams, the most original creative ideas and promising future professionals. For all this, they are very interested in knowing about yournews, novel projects and any content proposal relevant for the loyal readers that the magazine has had since its beginning, promoted by Kodak back in 2007.
Send your news to redacción@cameraandlightmag.com