- Inspirational ’23 introduces the jury of the awards and opens the registration process.
Inspirational presents the Grand Jury and Online Jury for this 2023 edition, which will be held in hybrid format from 17 to 19 October. The members of both juries are professionals of recognised prestige in the field of marketing, advertising and Spanish digital communication with extensive experience in each of the areas to be judged. They will be in charge of assessing the projects entered for the awards and choosing the winning entries for this edition.
From APCP we would like to highlight that Jesús Álamo, EP and Founder of our partner production company Grayskull, will be part of the online jury of the event.
From 3 May until 15 September at 23:59h, the deadline for entries for the Inspirational Awards, which recognise campaigns or projects that inspire disruptive digital thinking, will remain open on the website. Common to all categories, the members of the jury will assess whether the strategy, idea, use of the medium, format, experience or digital purpose of the projects presented have managed to generate a change by boosting their value, thus becoming a reference for agencies, advertisers and the sector in general.
Participating pieces must be projects exhibited between September 2022 and September 2023. This 2023 edition has 16 categories to be awarded, which will receive Gold, Silver and Bronze Prizes, if the jury deems it appropriate. After the shortlist is published on 6 October, the Grand Jury will work on it to decide which campaigns are worthy of the awards. Access the Rules of the Awards here.
Inspirational’23 will be held in hybrid format. On 17 and 18 October, the conference programme will take place in person and will be broadcast via streaming in the morning at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. In the afternoon, the lectures will be held in virtual format.
The Awards Gala will be held on 19 October at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid and will be broadcast via streaming on IAB Spain’s YouTube channel. During the event, all award winners will be able to collect their awards on stage. This will be followed by a cocktail reception and the closing party of this edition.
- CANADA will be on the jury of the Berlin Commercial.
The awards, which value revolutionary storytelling and high-quality content, will include the Catalan producer on its jury, which will include Charlotte Woodhead.
This group of professionals will take into account projects that provoke emotions and generate discussions about the industry, taking into account their innovation and what they contribute to culture.
You can find out about the jury and more about the awards at https://www.berlincommercial.com/awards.