AI Artisanal Intelligence: ‘To Bread, Bread and Tilt, Tilt’.

By September 20, 2024 News No Comments

Like the shootings we are presenting this week of Antiestático, Apartamento, Bambina, Good Company, Harry, Mamma Team, and Lee Films.

At the APCP we are excited to see the industry in action, so every week we bring you all the latest news on the shooting of the most active production companies.

Take a look!



Always active, the production company was filming Morat’s music video, check out the images of their latest shoot!

See Team



Around here, shooting with Dani Fortuny for Nestlé’s Viladrau water campaign, with creativity by Contrapunto BBDO. A multi-format campaign for the local market in Catalonia, with executions for TV, Digital, RRSS and graphics. Shot in the provinces of Barcelona and Girona during the month of July, check out the spot!

See Team



The latest Bambina shoot is confidential but here we share with you some work in progress!

See Team


Good Company

The production company’s last shoot was for Vivo, with Ogilvy. And yes, there is a team!

See Team



The production company presents the Visalia campaign: a short documentary + TV spot And they tell us a bonus: for the documentary ‘Visalia in Visalia’, they travelled 9500 km away to find out what the citizens of Visalia, California, think about Visalia’s new flat rate. Travel Producers Bestours was involved in this trip. In contrast, the TV spot ‘Visalia: It’s not normal, it’s better’ was filmed in Spain. And this is how the filming went:

See Team


Mamma team

Over here, the Director’s Cut of the producer’s latest project for ISTA, in collaboration with Vollmilch, check it out!

See Team


Lee Films

The production company’s latest shoot consisted of 3 days of filming in Madrid, check it out!

See Team
