This week our production companies Twentyfour Seven, Somos5, Palma Pictures, Primo, Lobo Kane, Apartamento and Antiestático demonstrate their mastery of Craft Intelligence.
Twentyfour Seven
This week’s BTS from 247. It was a 3-day shoot in Barcelona! And it was directed by Andreas Nilsson with Lasse Frank as DoP.
Filming in Madrid for Correos.
Palma Pictures
3 day project shooting in Mallorca with Untold and Whisper + MCCann from UK. Director: DIARMID HARRISON-MURRAY. DoP JAIME FELIU TORRES.
Primo shooting with David (Madrid). Director: Michelle Cassis. DOP: Andy Pulido.
Lobo Kane
Last week we were shooting for a well-known brand of small appliances, with a celebrity for the European market. This is the new campaign of the brand for the coming months. The shooting took place on the sets of Service Vision in Barcelona during 4 days.
Client: Midas. Agency: Proximity. Director: Santiago Zannou. Producers: Pedro Alfonso & Pilar García. Executive Producer: Matias Dumont. Making Of: Bahiana Agustina Perez.