The last round table discussion and presentation took place at 13:15 noon. Toni Moreno, Executive Producer and Partner of Agosto, and Miguel Ángel Fernández-Belando, Producer of Agosto, closed the 11th Advertising Film Production Conference. In it, they focused on the concept of “daring” and facing the unknown.
The bases of this spot were choreography, animation of banknotes, projections and immersiveness and interaction. During the whole process, doubts about the project arose, due to the fact that they had never done a production like this before. Points in their favour? The client, the agency, the director and the team. The iconography was also essential, as they had foreseen it in the art design. Other elements were the illustrations on the banknotes.
The aim was to shoot everything in a real way and not with a chroma key. They had multiple complications, especially with the lighting because of the projections. The speakers ended with the idea that uncertainty is there to make us move forward.
The XI Jornadas de Producción de Cine Publicitario closed with Adriana Piquet on stage, thanking the sponsors, collaborators, the Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencia City Council. The closing was in charge of the president of the APCP, María Jesús Horcajuelo, who again thanked the award winners, the presenters, sponsors, the team and the attendees.