No se nos ocurre mejor manera que empezar 2022 que dando la bienvenida a nuestros nuevos socios: Teamworks y Vagabond.
Seguimos creciendo y sumando productoras de calidad.
Así es como se presentan:
Team Works was founded back in 2001, as the international department of one of the mayor local advertising production companies in Spain, Only 925.
We started as a small company, but we have grown every year, double digit. Of course that happend before the Financial crisis…
But we never had many differnet clients, we always tried to care about long term relationships, and thanks to our strong bonds with the clients, we survived the crisis, and we believe we are also surviving the Covid crisis.
We understand production service as a team job, our client is not just a client, it is an experienced producer, and we have to he honest and transparent in the production process so we can work together to make the best film posible with a given budget.
The only way to the future is to offer a different product, to add value to the service. Otherwise, the international producers will look into less expensive countries, if they can get the same.
What we do? We always recommend the best option to our clients, and sometimes it is not in Spain or Portugal, but we try to aproach every project with the same integrity.
Same approach when budgeting, we try to cover every posible event, rather than promising a good deal budgeting too low, and then ask for extra costs. We rather start high, and then work together with the client to find ways to reduce the budget, always aiming to finish with a lower amount than the initial budget. Approving a budget does not mean that you have to spend it all.
Our budgets are quite detailed, and provide suppliers’ quotes, so the producers can identify items that they do not need, or want to adjust, individually.
¿Where we are? We service Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga, Lisbon and Canary Islands, but our headquarters are in Madrid, and work with local crews on each city, without unnecesary offices.
¿Who we are? I have been producing for 20 years, focusing in the technical part and budgeting, my name is Victor Mínguez. My partner stills focuses in the local market, she is Maria Jesus Horcajuelo.
And here a coupe of films to show what we have done in 2021.
Celebrity Bake Off, Amazon Prime
Vagabond Films is an international services production company founded in 2002 that operates in most countries in Central and South America. Since 2016 it has been established in Spain and Portugal. The project is led by Fernando Bofill, Gabriel Carratu & Pablo Bofill who are in charge of all productions in the Iberian Peninsula and its Islands.