- Have you seen the shortlist of El Sol?
The El Sol festival is a unique event taking place in Malaga on 8 and 9 June. Until the winners are announced tonight during the gala, you can check out the shortlist to see who the nominees of this exciting edition are.
Puedes verla aquí https://elsolfestival.com/el-sol-2023/lista-corta/
- Ready for Cannes Lions?
The 70th edition of the Cannes Lions Festival, which runs from 19-23 June, is just around the corner.
The event, which “has been championing creative excellence since 1954, providing the definitive benchmark for creativity that drives progress, on a global scale”, will this time feature an APCP jury: from our partner The Local Production Company, Belén Garau will be an essential part of the Film Craft category.
For more information, you can discover the full Cannes Lions programme here: https://www.canneslions.com/festival/programme#/agenda
- Talk about c: don’t miss his latest talks.
El c de c, with “Hablar de c”, recapitulates its latest conferences, including those already mentioned in previous weeks by Xisela López and Nuria Pérez, as well as Lucía Angulo and Elena García.
We encourage you to watch them on their website, as well as those of Quico Vidal and Cristina Santamarina, Roberto Fara, Marta Gutiérrez, Leandro Benítez and Ana Molina Alarcón, or Carlos Holemans and Adolfo Pahissa. They deal with topics such as artificial intelligence, creative talent or brands, their languages, and their integration.
You can see them here https://videoteca.clubdecreativos.com/eventos/encuentros_mensuales#video
- The deadline for the London International Awards 2023 is fast approaching.
With 15 June approaching, the last day to submit your projects to the LIA Awards, what are you waiting for? The condition to do so is that the work submitted must have been premiered, published or initially broadcast in a commercial environment with the approval of the client between 1 July 2022 and 31 August 2023.
In addition, this year’s awards have some new features, such as the new Creativity In Business-to-Business category, which “recognises outstanding creativity in the advertising and promotion of products and services purchased by businesses for use in their operations. These awards honour world-class creative work in the business-to-business sector”.