APCP has been working for some time now with ICEX – Invest in Spain and Spain Hub Audiovisual to achieve the goal of making Spain the main audiovisual hub in Europe by boosting national audiovisual production and attracting investment and economic activity, strengthening companies in the sector by improving their competitiveness through digitalisation and supporting talent, reducing the gender gap.
In the recently presented economic report, it is stated that foreign clients account for 39% of revenues with 207 million euros during 2021. This is stable since 2016.
In order to continue promoting the growth of international productions, we are working on this relationship with each other so that the one-stop service continues working and increases its traffic. The Spain Audiovisual Bureau, a tool set up by ICEX, is a centralised point for all information related to the internationalisation of the audiovisual industry, both to attract investment and filming to Spain, and to help Spanish companies and productions to develop their projects abroad.
This year we have participated jointly in different activities, talks and advertising film forums, where we have realised the importance of this collaboration. A clear example of this work is the migration law which, through the ministry and the creation of the Audiovisual Hub, has facilitated the entry of foreign professionals with a stay of up to 90 days to work in the audiovisual sector.
We hope that in the coming year this relationship will continue to improve and bring great benefits for our country and for our sector.