At the APCP we realised that we had to look for an independent entity of proven solvency to periodically check that the associated production companies complied with the legal requirements and quality of service that we aim to offer all our clients, Spanish and foreign.
This warranty seal ensures that all the production companies belonging to the APCP comply with the legal and service quality requirements that all the Associates unanimously set in 2014.
The Association considered AENOR to be the most reliable option to carry out this important task, so we started to work with them. This is how the APCP Guarantee Seal verified by AENOR was born.
The AEPP, Asociación de Empresas de Post Producción (Association of Post Production Companies), is a non-profit organisation for the representation and defence of the common professional interests of its members. It is made up of all the image and sound post-production studios in Spain with the same artistic and professional concerns. Its mission is to value the high quality work with an important human and social commitment carried out by the people in the industry.
The cornerstones that sustain us are: complying with current legislation, respecting competition and acting in an economically and socially responsible way towards the market and the people who work with all the companies that make up the association.
The associative culture is necessary to give visibility to our community at an institutional and professional level. The greater the number of members, the greater the representation before groups and institutions.
Like the APCP, the AEPP also realised that it was necessary not only to be professionals and work well within the legal and social regulations, but also to communicate in some way these aspects of its members to the audiovisual market. This is how the AEPP Warranty Seal verified by AENOR came to life.
For both associations, this Seal has become a guarantee of reliability, quality and good practices for advertisers, agencies and production companies in Spain and abroad, as well as for public administrations.
Both associations are holding different meetings to unite both philosophies and knowledge, and move forward together to create a better sector.