As every week we leave you the latest shootings of our producer companies: Álgebra, Antiestático, Finesse Films, Lee Films, Mamma Team, Mirinda, The Production Club, Twentyfou Seven and Zissou.
Álgebra has been the producer company in charge of shooting the new Suarez campaign, “Engagement Colorful”, with the help of the filmmaker Manfre and the agency McCann Madrid. The spot revolves around the diversity of commitment, which is why the brand reflects this idea by “creating a collection that covers all the colors, sizes and shapes that express love”.
Antiestático filmed this week with Fernando Bassi as director and the DOP León Vázquez.
Finnese Films presents his shoot of the week for the Bayer brand, a colorful and fun medicine campaign. That counted with the director Esther Padial and the DOP Alejandro H. Madrid.
Lee Films told us about a filming with Sega, but the client and agency cannot be mentioned yet. But later on we will enjoy the project with all the details.
Mamma Team has been shooting for a car brand, with Andreas Hempel as a photographer.
Mirinda has shot the campaign “Los Todólogos” for The State Lotteries and Bets with the Agency Contrapunto BBDO, Directed by Miquel Alcarria and DOP Sergio de Uña. Great client and agency, magnificent technical team and awesome actors. A lot of talent and so much fun. Because we all have a “todologist” in our lives… but no one knows, where the “jackpot” is going to fall.
The Production Club was shooting last week a spot in Madrid, Barcelona, Rosas and Molins de Rey during 3 days with Ignacio Clemente as director and Roger Llonch as DOP.
Twentyfour Seven has been shooting in Barcelona and Monegros for 6 days for a powerful automobile company. With Indeok Park directing and Hanvit Kang from DOP.
Zissou is accompanying David Broncano and Ana Milán in the new Schweppes campaign “Are you free? The production company has been filming and terracing together with the agency La Despensa. The campaign is a new option for the consumption of tonic on its own as a refreshing drink to go with a good chat.