Let’s talk about film tourism – The industry ecosystem in filming

By January 28, 2022 News No Comments
Fernando Victoria de Lacea (PROFILM), Teresa Azcona (Vice presidenta SFC), Albert Soler (Presidente de APCP) Y Carlos Rosado (Presidente de la SFC)


Last week a new edition of FITUR took place and we were able to be at the FITUR Scree space organised by the Spain Film Commission.

In addition to the meeting we told you about the previous Friday, our president Albert Soler also took part in the round table discussion “The industry ecosystem in filming” together with Fernando Victoria de Lecea, member of the Board of Directors of PROFILM and Teresa Azcona, the Vice-President of the Spain Film Commission, who was in charge of moderating.

The aim of this talk was to explain how audiovisual productions enrich the locations in which they are developed.

They highlighted that Spain is in the top 3 in the world in our sector and in first place in Europe.  All of Europe comes to shoot here, we have sun all year round, all kinds of locations and great professionals.

We are well above the world average in terms of quality/price of accommodation and other leisure services.

There is a lot of talk about filming tourism and it is true that we detected a great desire to come to our country rather than to others. In addition to what was mentioned previously, we offer many other services that the crews and clients enjoy in the places where the filming takes place at the end of the shooting days.

In Spain, the audiovisual sector is one of the few leading industries and it is necessary to take care of it.

They also spoke of the importance of the Film Commission and Film Office, of their work in connecting production companies and administrations to speed up certain processes, such as, for example, the construction of a set at a location.

They pointed out that sometimes a lot of energy is spent on explaining what it is that we do, and sometimes we find doors closed due to lack of knowledge. In this case, the Film Commission and Film Office have a great educational task to help local people understand our work, the economic and tourist impact of bringing a film shoot to a place and to transmit how respectful we are with the locations where we shoot.

There are places that have really put themselves on the map thanks to productions and film tourism could be promoted much more. That’s why the government needs to encourage and promote these tourist destinations more.
