As we do every week, we showcase the shoots of our production companies: Twentyfour Seven, Somos 5, Only925, Mamma Team, Lee Films, Harold and Albiñana.
- Twentyfour Seven has been filming for 6 days in Barcelona for the United States market with director Bruce Hunt and director of photography Mariano Monti.
- Somos5 filmed in Madrid with director Facu Andrés and DOP Rafa Arroyo
- Only925 provides us these images of their latest project for Maserati Italia, starring Jaime Lorente and directed by Carlos Mendoza.
- Mamma Team has worked on 2 projects:
For the first one, we still cannot reveal the client, but has been shot with director Hans Neumann.
And finally they show us the final stages of a 21-day project shot for Jaguar “Challenge 144 minutes” for the Spark44 Agency with director Gunther.
- Lee Films this week present two shoots:
The first for Bergé Auto and the China agency, directed by Iván Jurado with direction of photography by Alberto Bañares.
The second project was for Mahou shot by Javier Cortés with direction of photography by Dani Borbujo
- Harold Entertainment for ONCE “The Day You Will Always Remember”, with creativity from Mrs. Rushmore agency and directed by David Sarciart.
Spot: El día que recodarás siempre 2
- Albiñana also brings us two projects but the brand still remain confidential The first project was with director Rory Kelleher, DOP Jake Polonsky and HAVAS Düsseldorf agency
The second shot with director Ramsés and DOP Iñigo Zubicaray at Orca Studio.